IOCN Service Showcase

Coming soon!

The IOCN will be launching the Service Showcase webinar series in 2024!

Each webinar we will invite healthcare professionals from different trusts to discuss how they have developed an immunotherapy toxicity service, including the logistics, practicalities and governance of setting up a service. We are aware that immunotherapy toxicity services vary greatly throughout the UK and no one size fits all. The aim of this showcase is therefore to highlight how different services have been set up and run.

Other Immuno-Oncology Educational Events and Courses

Join the CCC team of expert IO professionals as they explore the key considerations when managing patients with immune related Adverse Events (irAEs), identifying how you can improve your own knowledge and practice when supporting patients who are undergoing immunotherapy. Find out more information and book here.

  • Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Immuno-Oncology Study Day - Monday 11th of March

  • University of Birmingham - Understanding immune checkpoint blockade therapy: a pillar of modern cancer treatment

An online 8 week course designed to benefit healthcare professionals, individuals working in industry, oncologists and cancer specialists, non-cancer specialists such as geneticists and basic immunologists, as well as patient groups and students (MSc, medical and undergraduates) with a background in science. Find out more information on the University of Birmingham website here.